Tuesday, September 8

little things

Today was a lovely day. I slept in, picked up some coffee, bought some spray paint from the do-it-yourself store, and deposited an unexpected check into my checking account. Once all the things I needed from town were with me in my car, I headed home. I enjoyed my vanilla latte and a short show online, then I began the work portion of my day.

I started by touching up our old living room tables with some white spray paint. Then I moved onto the garden and weeded almost half of the plot in front of the house. There is so much dirt and land out there, it's hard to imagine weeding the whole thing. I hooked my ipod around my arm and went to work. There's something about that zone you get in when you're left alone with your head and some good music. I love manual labor for that reason, it can tend to be monotonous, but almost soothing if you get in the right groove.

I came to a realization this last week, that for the first time in my life I have nothing to do. I mean, I have plenty to do, but I have nothing that sits in the back of my head as a constant reminder that I have something to read, or homework, or a project, or someone to contact. I'm no longer in school, it's finished... I don't have the lingering thoughts of what I could be doing to get ahead or get finished with a project. I'm very happy about this. I can finally do fun little things like garden, and organize my room and FULLY enjoy it. I used to feel like I could always be using my time better, and now I feel like I am being useful! agh, it's a little complicated to explain, but I tried.

I feel like I got a lot accomplished today because I was able to enjoy every minute of it without feeling the nagging thought of obligation to school. I enjoy gardening, I enjoy small do-it-yourself tasks. I'm really going to enjoy getting settled more into my room tonight. Simple things like organizing clothes can make life feel good.

I'm enjoying the little things today.

Saturday, November 8

Hello World

It has been months since I've posted last... I have another blog mainly for family, and this one. This one I think will continue on as my 'rest of the world' blog.

I'm missing the big city. I'm missing city life, city streets, city lights, city folk, city culture, city fashion... guh CITY EVERYTHING.

I just keep telling myself, this is good, this is a retreat. I'm going to be in the city for a long time, I may as well enjoy my peace and rest outside of it.

Wednesday, July 30

cafe culture

So I'm sitting in one of my favorite Seattle coffee shops called Cafe Vita, on capitol hill. I miss the coffee shop culture, coming here to study, read, hang out, chat with friends. It's so refreshing to be in a place where people are laid back and aren't grabbing coffee and running off to the next thing. The people at the table next to me are studying french together. It's rad, like they're all just trying to get better, maybe for future travels. I think just about everyone else upstairs is on their laptop. Downstairs, across the room from the coffee bar, people are hanging out, talking at tables.

I miss Seattle!

I'm about to get my hair cut! I'm really excited for something new, something with a little style. It's been since October that I've had my hair cut. If nothing else I need a trim, but I figured I'd go all out, get a cut and color! Something vibrant and awesome.


Monday, July 21


It's strange to think about how the last four years of my life have held some of my greatest life experiences, world travels, maturing seasons... yet they flew by so quickly. I think I'm fascinated with the eternal learning process because I can't imagine not growing and being challenged. I would prefer to be a student forever, continuously learning and becoming a better and more knowledgeable person.  

The next five years of my life are going to be vastly different than the last five. I was just on the verge of adulthood, still very much dependent on my family, and still young and without very much life experience. Not that I'm claiming I have had more life experience than most (probably less in some cases) these next years will probably be more formative than the last. Now I will be treated as an adult and I will earn my own way. That in itself is quite exciting. It's like a whole new set of rules coming out of college. I could sit back and relax, get an easy going job and make light of my early twenties... but instead, I think I will take life by the horns and see what I can make of it.

I want to travel more, I want to make loads more friends all over the world (more to visit!) and I want to find hobbies that I'm passionate about on the side of my career, etc. It would be nice to enjoy a relationship and understand more what I want in a life partner. I already know a few things, they have to be stable, yet more adventurous than me! I need a man who is going to challenge me and surprise me! I want to get my masters, that is, when I finally know exactly what it is I'm going to do. :)

There are so many things to look forward to... wow.

Monday, July 14


I come home in a little over a week. I can't wait!!

I've been working a lot lately and getting in some hang out time with my friend Erin. She's currently filming for a guest role in the show 'Private Practice' a spin off of Grey's Anatomy!

I think this is going to be huge for her, I can't wait to see her career explode!

I can't wait to come home!

Monday, July 7

Marin's Visit

June 3

These photos are from Marin's visit to LA! I thought maybe a photo update would be nice. 

This is when we went to Venice Beach and bought a huge sno-cone which we couldn't finish. Then we walked on the beach. I forgot a beach towel... 

Here is Marin's beach picture. We're both so white. 

This is from my birthday dinner at a restaurant in Hollywood, called Citizen Smith. It was really good. And in case I've ever mentioned names of my friends to any of you, I will list them in order from Left to Right so that you can put a name with a face, maybe.

Michelle, Josh, Erin, Me, Ashley, Marin, Mack, Brett.

I had a big birthday party on the Sunday before my birthday. 20 or so friends showed and we ate spaghetti and had wine! It was awesome having so many people around to celebrate with me.

Ch Ch Ch Changes

So I updated my blog again.

The picture on top is of my friend Ashley and me on Valentine's Day. She brought Valentines for everyone and a couple sheets of heart stickers. So we ran around Short Stop (because it was also Vegan Happy Hour) and "heart attacked" everyone in the place. Afterwards, we still had a sheet left so we decided to take photo booth pictures of us getting "heart attacked" like the chicken pox. It turned out to be one of my favorite photo booth strips to date!    CUTE ------------------>

In other news, I work tomorrow. I already have a case of the Mondays, and it's Sunday. I think I'm just anxious to learn something new, and not just organize. But I can't deny that work is work, and it's good for you and your pocketbook. 

I went to the grocery store today and bought some larabars, dates, hummus and other things. Those three were my most satisfying purchases. I loves dates... they are sweeter than dessert! 

I didn't post for a very long time, maybe I should remind people that I've actually been updating again. I could also answer questions, tell stories, etc. Just give me suggestions of what you might like to know of my time in LA!


Saturday, July 5

a wedding.

Tomorrow I'm going to a wedding. It's going to be in Pasadena at the City Hall Building. I hear that it's absolutely beautiful there. I don't have anyone to go with yet, I'm hoping maybe my roommate is plan-free or maybe another friend of mine. I would go alone, but weddings last a while, and that's a long time to be sitting alone amongst strangers- the guests, not the bride and groom.

I missed family a lot today. I sort of feel like things aren't as fun to celebrate... at least not alone. I want to be in Seattle! Or I wish some of my friends were around to celebrate with. The girl I am house sitting for says they may be coming home early, which is good news. Also, my potential trip to Seattle is coming up pretty soon here.

loves... xoxo.

Friday, June 27

tid bit

i love fashion so much. I love people who are socially aware and globally aware. I love books that tell me new things about new places or new techniques I don't know. I love nutrition. I love fashion magazines. I love mascara. I love sunglasses. I love cute little animals. I love monkeys. I love clear skies and sunny days. I love rain. I love my family. I love people who challenge you. I love music. I love new sights and new sounds.

Thoughts on a Friday Morning

I've come to realize I'm absolutely terribly at keeping a blog. That said, I will try and update whenever possible, and now that school is over I might find the attempts surprisingly successful. I'm currently sitting in a very comfortable bed belonging to my dear friend Michelle. Her and her roommates are all gone for work and have asked me to step in and house sit. The house is a sweet little English-like cottage. They inhabit the upstairs of the building with three grand bedrooms and a huge living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook and laundry room. The laundry room is my favorite, what a pleasure it is to be able to walk down the hall and stick a load in, instead of having to make an day of it at the local laundromat.

Last night my friends Gayle, Shayna and Emilie came up for a visit. Gayle Skidmore is a singer songwriter from San Diego, and she had a show last night in Long Beach. So the girls made a show turn into a visit to me in Los Angeles. Great idea! I'm not waiting for everyone to get ready so we can go out to eat at Doughboys. Doughboys is pretty much my no fail restaurant I take everyone to. It's so tasty and they serve breakfast all day. What could be better than that?

I am now employed by interior designer and business woman Karen Tandy, of design details. I interviewed for the full time assistant position, but then called her back and told her I would be leaving in September. Being a small business owner is rough when you have to train new people every couple months, longevity is appreciated. So I wanted to be honest with her, but told her I would fill in until she found someone or what not. She called me back a week later and asked if I wanted to help her organize her office. So I've been consolidating files for the last two weeks. It's nothing too fancy, but I think it's helping me learn the business side of the design world a lot better. It is in fact 80% business 20% design work. Anyways, I'm enjoying it for what it is.

I only have two months left in LA... it's crazy! I can't believe it's almost been a year. Then in September I move to Redding!! I have officially been accepted to Bethel for this Fall. I'm very excited about this next season of life. It will be challenging and a huge learning process of how to be on my own and learning how to be the person I want to be for the rest of my life!

I love my parents so much, I didn't want to leave the last time I came home. Sometimes I wish I could just come home for the summer again and live with them and hang out with them and not do anything else. But then I remember I'm supposed to be an adult.

Anyways, we're off to go eat and enjoy the day!! I miss you all. How does life fly by and stand still simultaneously? I wish I could be in two places at once. LOVES.